
We are a community and tribe on a journey pursuing His presence and His face. We are burning and believing for our families, communities, cities and nations to be reformed and transformed by His lasting and sustaining glory in our midst.

BURN 24-7 carries the Amos 9:11 and Acts 15:16 Davidic calling to “rebuild again the Tabernacle of David” so that the “rest of humanity may seek the Lord.” Our vision is simply to answer the cry of God throughout the history of humanity for a “resting place” (Isaiah 66) to be established so His Spirit can collide with a broken humanity. This is a beautiful place where His body gathers in a spirit of unity to release a 24-7-365 indigenous expression of vertical worship and adoration. From these furnaces of intimate love, fiery intercession can be released to rule, govern and establish righteousness in the nations of the earth. Our primary reason to create and release an expression of night and day worship is because HE ALONE IS WORTHY TO RECEIVE IT. We gather from across denominational lines and ethnic boundaries to build an altar where the fire of our burning love will not go out until the return of Jesus to the earth. We join with the song and sound of Heaven and those ministering night and day around the throne to cry out: “Holy, Holy. Holy is the Lord God Almighty!” We believe that as we model this activity and expression of Heaven, we will see the reality of the kingdom of Heaven collide with Earth in our communities, regions and nations in a real and supernatural way. Only in a posture of beholding Him, can we hope to become like Him to the rest of the world. As we obey and respond to the first commandment of Jesus to “love the Lord your God with all your heart” we are compelled by His love and goodness to “love your neighbor as yourself” and walk in supernatural signs and wonders carrying His presence into every sphere of society and culture.